Meet a milf – Rückblick 2021

Written By Hans

On März 6, 2021

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Meet a milf has an amazing female to male ratio. We did not experience many instances of no reply from the girls, so the response rate is very high and we did not see any spamming or scammers on the site. So the security is good and the responses to our questions to support was also very good. They obviously focus a lot on quality. The design is minimal and we like that. The platform works very well on all devices.

Hard to find something negative here, but it was hard to get a date. This may be natural on a site like this, since girls often move to “pay for use” sites after bad experiences on other platforms. We managed to meet two girls, so it wasn’t all bad. But it took longer than expected, so we don’t give a top score for that “feature”.

The last negative thing we can mention is the price. Depends how you look at it, but if you use the site for chatting with as many girls as you are able to chat with, it will get very expensive. Our method of sticking to 3-4 girls at a time and not chatting all day, made the difference. Patience pays on this site. Anyway, we give a slightly less than top score on this feature too, because of this.

All in all we can recommend Meet a milf more than any other dating site. So check it out, especially since you can do it for free. Good luck!

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